Monday, March 30, 2009

War against Granny Panties

by BillyJ

Today, I hit my limit on granny panties. I have had just about enough of these obnoxious oversized panties. If I never see panty lines again it will be too soon. I would love to know what women are thinking when they purchase these abominations. Few things are as unflattering as a fully covered ass in oversized underwear.

Many of you will argue with me that granny panties are the way to go because thongs and g-strings are uncomfortable. Ridiculous!! Basically what you are saying is that you would rather spend the day picking your granny panty wedgy? You could much easier start the day by securely placing a thin strip of fabric there and save yourself time and trouble.

I am looking to recruit men to help me battle the granny panty movement(because we know that there are plenty of you on the other side). Its time for men to take a stance against GRANNY PANTIES.
Seriously people… We need to get rid of this granny panty home wrecker and embrace our friend the thong and the g-string, resulting in making the world a better place.
Otherwise, this is war.

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